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QRG Sustainable Quantitative Portfolios

Using data provided by Sustainalytics and our own proprietary quantitative research process, QRG constructs the Sustainable, Gender and Diversity, Climate Solutions and Catholic Values faith-based Quantitative Portfolios.


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Large Cap Core
The Quantitative Portfolio: Sustainable Large Cap Core Portfolio is a passively managed Separately Managed Account. The portfolio is designed to provide factor exposures and returns similar to those of the CRSP US Large Cap index. Typically, the portfolio will consist of about 150 securities with reasonable tracking error to the index.
Minimum Investment:$100,000
Benchmark:CRSP US Large Cap
Inception Date:3/1/2017
Fact Sheet
Quarterly Commentary
Rebalancing Fact Sheet
Impact Report
GIPS Report
Small Cap Core
The Quantitative Portfolio: Sustainable Small Cap Core Portfolio is a passively managed Separately Managed Account. The portfolio is designed to provide factor exposures and returns similar to those of the CRSP US Small Cap. Typically, the portfolio will consist of about 150 securities with reasonable tracking error to the index.
Minimum Investment:$100,000
Benchmark:CRSP US Small Cap
Inception Date:3/1/2018
Fact Sheet
Quarterly Commentary
Rebalancing Fact Sheet
GIPS Report
International ADR
The Quantitative Portfolio: Sustainable International ADR Portfolio is a passively managed Separately Managed Account. The portfolio is designed to provide factor exposures and returns similar to those of the BNY Mellon DM ex-US Classic ADR index. Typically, the portfolio will consist of about 150 securities with reasonable tracking error to the index.
Minimum Investment:$100,000
Benchmark:S&P Developed Markets Classic ADR Index
Inception Date:2/1/2018
Fact Sheet
Quarterly Commentary
Rebalancing Fact Sheet
Impact Report
GIPS Report
Emerging Markets ADR
The Quantitative Portfolio: Sustainable Emerging Markets ADR Portfolio is a passively managed Separately Managed Account. The portfolio is designed to provide factor exposures and returns similar to those of the BNY Mellon EM Classic ADR index. Typically, the portfolio will consist of about 150 securities with reasonable tracking error to the index.
Minimum Investment:$100,000
Benchmark:S&P Emerging Classic ADR Index
Inception Date:3/1/2018
Fact Sheet
Quarterly Commentary
Rebalancing Fact Sheet
GIPS Report
Climate Solutions
Global Climate Solutions
The Quantitative Portfolio: Global Climate Solutions strategy is a passively managed Separately Managed Account. The portfolio is designed to provide risk exposures and returns similar to those of a broad asset class benchmark with an appropriate number of securities.
Minimum Investment:$200,000
Benchmark:Blended Benchmark: 69% CRSP US Large Cap, 31% S&P Developed Markets Classic ADR Index
Inception Date:6/1/2020
Fact Sheet
Quarterly Commentary
Rebalancing Fact Sheet
Impact Report
GIPS Report
Gender and Diversity
Large Cap Core - Gender and Diversity
The Quantitative Portfolio: Large Cap Core - Gender and Diversity (Gender and Diversity QP) is designed to provide risk exposures and returns similar to those of the underlying index. Consistent with the objectives of the broader suite of Quantitative Portfolios (QPs), the Gender and Diversity QP will typically consist of a limited number of securities (about 150) and provide reasonable tracking error to the index.
Minimum Investment:$100,000
Benchmark:CRSP US Large Cap
Inception Date:5/1/2018
Fact Sheet
Quarterly Commentary
Rebalancing Fact Sheet
Impact Report
GIPS Report
Large Cap Core – Islamic Values
The Quantitative Portfolio: Large Cap Core Islamic Values strategy is a passively managed Separately Managed Account. The portfolio is designed to provide risk exposures and returns similar to those of a benchmark consisting of stocks that follow Sharia investment principles.
Minimum Investment:$100,000
Benchmark:MSCI United States Islamic NR USD
Inception Date:3/21/2023
Large Cap Core - Catholic Values
The Quantitative Portfolio: Large Cap Core - Catholic Values strategy is a passively managed Separately Managed Account. The portfolio is designed to provide risk exposures and returns similar to those of an appropriate asset class benchmark with a limited number of securities and reasonable tracking error to the index. In addition, the positions in the strategy align with the Socially Responsible Investment Guidelines for the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).
Minimum Investment:$100,000
Benchmark:CRSP US Large Cap
Inception Date:1/1/2019
Fact Sheet
Quarterly Commentary
Rebalancing Fact Sheet
Impact Report
GIPS Report
The information, analysis, and opinions expressed herein are for general and educational purposes only. Nothing contained in this brochure is intended to constitute legal, tax, accounting, securities, or investment advice, nor an opinion regarding the appropriateness of any investment, nor a solicitation of any type. All investments carry a certain risk, and there is no assurance that an investment will provide positive performance over any period of time. An investor may experience loss of principal. The asset classes and/or investment strategies described may not be suitable for all investors and investors should consult with an investment advisor to determine the appropriate investment strategy. Investment decisions should always be made based on the investor’s specific financial needs and objectives, goals, time horizon and risk tolerance. This material is not meant as a recommendation or endorsement of any specific security or strategy.

The portfolio incorporates sustainability criteria on a best-efforts basis. Envestnet utilizes sustainability data provided by a third party for portfolio management and reporting purposes. All sustainability data are believed to be from reliable sources; however, we make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness. The scores, ratings, and assessments are subjective by nature, and may or may not be accurate, complete, or reflect the beliefs of some investors.

An ESG integrated or ESG data screened investment strategy may limit the types and number of investment opportunities available to the strategy. This may have a positive or negative effect on investment performance relative to strategies which do not utilize ESG integrated investment approaches.. There is no guarantee that an ESG integrated strategy will be successful and meet its investment objective. Companies selected for inclusion in a strategy may not exhibit positive or favorable ESG characteristics at all times and may shift into and out of favor depending on market and economic conditions.

For more details on PMC’s research practices and/or portfolio attributes, please contact or call 1-888-612-9300. Advisors should always conduct their own research and due diligence on investment products and the product managers prior to offering or making a recommendation to a client.

Neither Envestnet, Envestnet | PMC™ nor its representatives render tax, accounting, or legal advice. Any tax statements contained herein are not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of avoiding U.S. federal, state, or local tax penalties. Taxpayers should always seek advice based on their own particular circumstances from an independent tax advisor.



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QRG’s use of call and put options can lead to losses because of adverse movements in the price or value of the underlying stock or index which may be magnified by certain features of the options. These risks are heightened when QRG uses options to enhance a client’s return. When selling a call option, a client will receive a premium; however, this premium may not be enough to offset a loss incurred by the client if the price of the underlying security is above or below, respectively, the strike price by an amount equal to or greater than the premium. The value of an option may be adversely affected if the market for the option becomes less liquid and will be affected by changes in the value or yield of the option’s underlying asset, an increase in interest rates, a change in the actual or perceived volatility of the stock market or the underlying asset and the remaining time to expiration. Additionally, the value of an option does not increase or decrease at the same rate as the underlying securities. Writing a call in a position can lead to an assignment and involuntary transaction (i.e., “called away”), which cannot otherwise be avoided, upon an exercise of a call in the client account. When purchasing a put, a client’s entire initial investment of premium can be lost.

Option trading involves a significant degree of risk, which each prospective investor should seriously consider. The risk of loss in trading options can be substantial and options are not suitable for all investors. Prospective clients should carefully consider whether such trading is suitable for them in light of their financial condition and individual risk tolerances. The high degree of leverage that is often obtainable in options trading can work against investors as well as for them. More information on the risks of buying and selling options contracts can be found on the CBOE’s website at
This website is for investment professionals only. It is not intended for private investors. Private investors who are interested in our investment services should contact a financial professional.