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Thematic Research

Harnessing the Volatility Risk Premium to Optimize Income Generation
QRG's Options Strategy utilizes covered calls in a way that provides a diversified, dynamic income stream that can potentially reduce risk...
Options Strategies to Manage Concentrated Stock Risk
The management of concentrated stock positions is a common issue that arises for financial advisors.
Factor-Based Direct Indexing: How to Potentially Enhance Client Portfolio Performance
Learn how direct indexing with beta, factor-based, and fixed income strategies can customize portfolios to align with specific goals, risk preferences, and market conditions.
Direct Indexing: An Ideal, Core Component in ActivePassive Investing
Learn how direct indexing with beta, factor-based, and fixed income strategies can customize portfolios to align with specific goals, risk preferences, and market conditions.
The Potential Benefits of a Scalable Approach to Bond Ladders
New technology allows advisors to create more personalized and efficient bond portfolios.
4 reasons bond ladders can be effective direct indexing strategies
The concept of direct indexing can also be extended to bond portfolios, including...
3 popular direct indexing strategies advisors need to know
Learn how direct indexing with beta, factor-based, and fixed income strategies can...
Capital Markets
Value of Value
Value investing as an investment strategy has existed for at least 100 years, likely longer...
Capital Markets
Portfolio Expected Performance and ESG Characteristics
At $2.77 trillion dollars and counting, ESG strategies have become an important growth opportunity for the premier asset...
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Capital Markets
How Do Our CMA Forecasts Stack Up Against the Reality: A Decade’s Worth of Results
Envestnet’s Quantitative Research Group (QRG) issued its first set of capital markets assumptions (CMA) forecasts back in 2009.
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Capital Markets
Factor Performance and the Market Cycle
In this study we have analyzed the performance of factor portfolios and their components throughout various market cycle sub-periods.
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Capital Markets
Yields and Their Components
In this note I discuss the components of Treasury yields, most notably – the “bond risk premium” (BRP).
Capital Markets
Arithmetic, Geometric and Other Types of Averages
There are many types of averages used in the applied finance today.
Capital Markets
Capital Sigma: The Advisor Advantage
An ongoing debate among investment advisors and their clients centers on value: creating it, preserving it, and perpetuating it.
Capital Markets
Active vs. Passive Asset Management: A Revisit and Further Research
We have updated our Active vs. Passive Asset Management research and refreshed the findings of the prior version of the whitepaper to accomplish three goals.
Our Latest Research On Active Versus Passive Asset Management
As you are likely well aware, the debate regarding active versus passive investing has existed for a while.
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Capital Markets
Expected Course of the Expected Equity Returns
Much has been said regarding the likely future direction of the equity market, which over the last half decade has defied all...
Factor Investing
Managing Volatility — A Little Planning Goes a Long Way
Recent market volatility has prompted many advisors to mount an aggressive stance against portfoliorisk.
Impact Investing
How and Why SRI Performance Differs from Conventional Strategies
Exploration of the Cross-Sectional Return Distributions of Socially Responsible Investment Funds

Portfolio Research


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QRG’s use of call and put options can lead to losses because of adverse movements in the price or value of the underlying stock or index which may be magnified by certain features of the options. These risks are heightened when QRG uses options to enhance a client’s return. When selling a call option, a client will receive a premium; however, this premium may not be enough to offset a loss incurred by the client if the price of the underlying security is above or below, respectively, the strike price by an amount equal to or greater than the premium. The value of an option may be adversely affected if the market for the option becomes less liquid and will be affected by changes in the value or yield of the option’s underlying asset, an increase in interest rates, a change in the actual or perceived volatility of the stock market or the underlying asset and the remaining time to expiration. Additionally, the value of an option does not increase or decrease at the same rate as the underlying securities. Writing a call in a position can lead to an assignment and involuntary transaction (i.e., “called away”), which cannot otherwise be avoided, upon an exercise of a call in the client account. When purchasing a put, a client’s entire initial investment of premium can be lost.

Option trading involves a significant degree of risk, which each prospective investor should seriously consider. The risk of loss in trading options can be substantial and options are not suitable for all investors. Prospective clients should carefully consider whether such trading is suitable for them in light of their financial condition and individual risk tolerances. The high degree of leverage that is often obtainable in options trading can work against investors as well as for them. More information on the risks of buying and selling options contracts can be found on the CBOE’s website at
This website is for investment professionals only. It is not intended for private investors. Private investors who are interested in our investment services should contact a financial professional.