Asset Managers

Combine your investment management capabilities with our platform to unlock next-level opportunities for your firm. Envestnet’s software for wealth and asset managers can help you expand the reach of your investment solutions and build a highly efficient business.

asset managers

A partner to help you scale and increase distribution opportunities

$6.2T assets on platform

An industry leader that exemplifies scale and enables access to a wide range of wealth solutions

Serving 110,000+ advisors

A client base that represents 48 of the 50 largest wealth management and brokerage firms and 500+ of the largest RIAs

Supporting 500+ Asset Managers

Experienced in helping managers expand their reach, seek efficiencies, and drive their businesses forward.

Data as of 4Q 2024. 

How Envestnet can support your business objectives


Expand access to your solutions

Gain access to thousands of financial advisors and broaden the distribution of your investment and fund management strategies.


Enhance your client’s portfolios

Build, manage, trade, report, service, and sell your firm’s proprietary portfolios with our open architecture platform. Envestnet portfolio management software and solutions support managed accounts, mutual funds, ETFs, workplace solutions and more.


Simplify billing

Envestnet Revenue Manager unlocks the full potential of your data, enabling precise revenue management and smarter strategic decisions—all while helping to maximize back-office ROI.


Advance your data approach

Our Manager Analytics offering enables access to data and intelligence you can use to help inform your go-to-market strategy and identify targeted opportunities for distribution conversations with firms from across our platform.


Explore sponsorship opportunities

Get in front of the firms and advisors that leverage the Envestnet ecosystem to manage their clients wealth. Learn more about our sponsorship opportunities for Envestnet Elevate.

Discover how Envestnet’s insights and efficiency can help grow your business

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The 2024 ("Wealthies") are awarded to firms who demonstrate outstanding achievement in support of financial advisor success.  Neither Envestnet nor its affiliates paid any fees to be considered, and these awards are not indicative of any Envestnet product or strategy's future performance.  Some individuals on the Wealthies judging panel are employees of Envestnet clients. The awards were granted in September 2024 with evaluation based on in the last 18 months.