What’s New: Enhancements to Trading, Reporting, and CRM


As you look to enhance your client’s digital wealth experience, our Envestnet | Tamarac teams are excited to introduce our latest enhancements across the entire Tamarac platform. Our commitment to continually enhancing our platform allows us to respond to the evolving needs of Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs) and, ultimately, the efficiency of your practice. Here’s a look at what’s new.

From Tamarac Trading: Rebalance enhancements

Rebalance summary set-up process streamlined

We understand how important the Rebalance page is to RIAs and their businesses. Typically, when advisors open Account Settings on the Rebalance page, they need to adjust a Rebalancing Account setting. To streamline this process, the Rebalance tab now loads as the default option when opening Account Settings from the Rebalance page.

This enhancement applies to Accounts and Rebalancing groups. Here’s a look at how it’s displayed for single and group accounts.

Single account view
Group account view

Deviations added as a category type on the Rebalance page

We understand the importance of maintaining alignment with client goals. Based on advisor feedback, we’ve developed a powerful solution that provides more flexibility and insight to portfolio allocations. With this release, advisors can now display portfolio deviation calculations at multiple Category levels as columns within their Rebalance page Views, providing a comprehensive view to identify and address deviations from desired asset allocations.

Here’s a look at the Deviations category type and the value it offers.

In addition, this enhancement allows advisors to quickly search for accounts with deviations out of tolerance as targets for rebalancing. Here’s a look at how it’s displayed.

From Tamarac Reporting: Added efficiency

Export compliance ADV report data to CSV file

We know how vital the Compliance ADV report is to RIAs and their businesses. It compiles relationship data for your account set, with the as of the date you choose, and helps in the completion of Form ADV.

With this release, advisors can directly export household details from the Compliance ADV report to a CSV file. The export offers enhanced flexibility and compatibility for audits and ensures that advisors have configured the correct household AUM and compliance fields.

Benchmark setting added to security groups

RIAs need to provide clients with the most comprehensive view of their portfolios. Based on advisor feedback, we learned about the importance of more flexibility around benchmark assignments.

With this release, advisors can assign and save benchmarks to security groups. This enhancement offers a streamlined approach to managing security-level benchmarks and ensures consistent reporting across all reports.

Dispersion Data Points Added to Composite Statistics Report

With this release, we’ve made important updates to our Composite Statistics report to align with the latest Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS). As a result, we’ve added additional data points to ensure that our report now includes all the necessary dispersion data points:

  • Accounts Included in Dispersion
  • Gross Dispersion
  • Gross Dispersion (asset-weighted)
  • Net Dispersion
  • Net Dispersion (asset-weighted)

From Tamarac CRM: Access to Envestnet insights

With this release, RIAs can access Envestnet Insights from the Tamarac CRM portal. Insights are actionable items generated by Envestnet Data & Analytics that identify essential portfolio items advisors may want to review with their clients, all designed to help better manage client relationships.

Our Insights Engine reviews an entire book of business on a daily basis to identify over 100 potential client action items. Insights provide details about clients and their activities. For example, our Insights show:

  • Portfolio holdings, including high-fee products, underperforming assets, inflows/outflows, high levels of cash, and mutual fund distributions
  • Tax planning opportunities, including unrealized losses in underperforming products and tax loss harvesting
  • MoneyGuide financial planning opportunities, including financial plan needs updates, upcoming liquidity events, and retirement needs
  • And much more

For more information about Envestnet Insights, connect with us at support@envestnetintelligence.com.

Learn More

As we continue to innovate and enhance the Envestnet | Tamarac user experience, stay tuned for regular “What’s New” updates. Learn how our robust reporting and trading solutions can help you deliver the customized performance tools and resources your clients need. Visit www.tamaracinc.com or give us a call at 866-525-8811.

The information, analysis and opinions expressed herein are for informational purposes only and do not necessarily reflect the views of Envestnet. These views reflect the judgment of the author as of the date of writing and are subject to change at any time without notice. Nothing contained in this piece is intended to constitute legal, tax, accounting, securities, or investment advice, nor an opinion regarding the appropriateness of any investment, nor a solicitation of any type.

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